
The construction year of the vehicle has to be mentioned on the bill of lading, that’s why you have to give us the building year with your booking.

In Luanda exists a building year regulation. Cars, Small and Big Vans must not be older than 3 years, trucks must not be older than 5 years, also the building year has to be mentioned on the bill of lading.

The building year has to be mentioned on the bill of lading.

In Lagos we have to write the building year and a complete address of the consignee, inclusive street name and telephon number.


Pointe Noire:
To create the waiver we have to send the vehicle title and a commercial invoice. Please send both with your booking.

We have a building year regulation in Lebanon. Please don’t ship cars older than 8 years, also it is not allowed to import Diesel-engine cars.
To ship vehicles to the ports of Aqaba, Jeddah and Jebel Ali please don’t load any goods into them. They have to be empty! Also their engines have to work and it is not allowed to ship cars with an accident.








Frangie Internationale Spedition GmbH I Shanghaiallee 6I D - 20457 Hamburg I Phone: +49 40 / 79 75 44 0 I E-Mail